Just sayin hello. Perhaps I should say more about myself. Alice In Chains (henceforth AIC) is my favorite band, I'm a big 90's Alt. Rock kinda person. I enjoy a lot of underground hip-hop, 80's metal, and some foreign pop. Not into dubstep, not really into techno..
I got a few animes I enjoy. Ore No Imouto, Welcome to the NHK, and basically any slice of life show.
I'm in the Air Force. I'm a lowly E1 and I work with computers. I can't say much bout it cus the nature of the work, but it's a cool gig.
I really don't do much in my social life 'cept kick back with my friends and enjoy the night. I really won't be posting here often, cus I am about to deploy, but I figured I would try and make some friends.
I play a few video games here and there, but I try and live an active life and not get too absorbed into them.